Terimakasih Atas Kunjungannya

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Learning Style

Learning Style

Every learner have different quantity to adsorb the lesson. In specific condition some learner can adsorb full content of a lesson and there are also cannot adsorb the content of a lesson. All of them can happen because each learner have different learner style and technique. Someone who have one of learning style usually have problem t adsorb the content of a lesson from other technique.So,learning style give great influence to adsorb the content of a lesson. Based on research,learning style of learner are devided into Visual learning style, Auditory learning style, and kinesthetic learning style.
For visual learners, eye’s have main role in learning activity. Because these learners need to see the teachers body language and facial expresson to fully understand the content of a lesson. They like to sit in front, in order to can see clearly. They may think in picture and learan best from visual displays including :diagrams, illustrated text book, overhead transparencies,videos, flipcharts, and hand outs. Visual learners have some characteristic talk quickly, more remember something that their see than their hear, like to read, and many other . From the characteristic has be mentioned , these are strategy to support learn process, for example teacher prefer using images, pictures, colours, and map to give information.
Learners who has auditory style use their ears to get success in their learning. They learn best through verbal nlectires, discussion, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. They like to talk to theirselves when they do somethings , usually have problem in visual works, can repeat and duplicate tone of voice are characteristic of auditory learner s. They incline to learn by heart easily with read loudly and listen the cassette. The teachers prefere give more attention to their student’s hearing.
Kinesthetic persons learn best through a hands on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them.Student who have this learning style learn through moving, touching, and doing something. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration. Learner have characteristic talk slowly,learn through manipulated and practice, use finger to point when raed,have problem in writing,and many other.
Learning style have great effect to learning success of learners,if they are given strategy that suitable with their learing style. Learning style hanging of learners. It means, every persons have different learning style. How about your style?


2 komentar:

  1. great Rizal. the technique of writing is on the right tract. but be careful with your language, there are still many grammatical mistakes. invite friends to give feedback to help you revising the grammar part.

  2. rizal why dont you just post all things here in english. i believe your proficiency will be developing rapidly
